Uniters Super Cleaner – strongest cleaner for leather


Only 1 left in stock


Super Cleaner is the strongest cleaner. It will remove dye transfer, newspaper print and deep stains when nothing else will. It will also remove old ink stains.  Super Cleaner is a slightly alkaline, solvent-based product – it should be used with care.

Always apply enough product to the cloth to allow the product to draw the stain out without rubbing. Do not create friction. Friction may damage the topcoat and remove colour. 
Because Super Cleaner is slightly alkaline you will need to neutralise the leather after cleaning. To do this simply clean the area with Soft Cleaner.
You can dilute Super Cleaner with water to create a less aggressive product.
Suitable for pigmented leather.

Super Cleaner, also called Super Remover, can be used to remove dye transfer, newspaper print and deep stains from pigmented leather. It can also be used to remove old ballpoint pen. Super Remover is a solvent-based product. It should be used with care. If you aren’t a leather care professional, please contact us for advice before attempting to use this product.


  1. Pre-test the leather for colour fastness.
  2. Apply Super Cleaner to a soft, lint free cloth. Make sure to apply enough Super Cleaner to allow the product to draw the stain out of the leather without rubbing. 
  3. Wipe the cloth carefully over the stained area. DO NOT rub, scrub or create any friction. Rubbing will damage the leather’s finish and remove colour from the leather.
  4. Once the stain has been removed, neutralise the area with Leather Soft Cleaner. Make sure to remove all traces of the Super Cleaner. 
  5. Allow to dry for 1 hour.

Apply Leather Protection Cream.


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